Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Brave: A Mom's Review

I stumbled upon this review of Brave by a mother and I found her discussion of the film to be very interesting:

First, she discusses some of the elements of the film that she enjoyed, including the lack of a romance or love-interest for Merida and the strong mother/daughter relationship presented. Then, she goes on to list several reasons why you and your kids might not want to watch this movie together. Her reasoning for this is based on Merida's "bad attitude" toward her mother as a "rebellious daughter" as well as the crudeness and scariness involved in the plot.

Overall, the author of this review really did not approve of younger children watching this film due to the way that Merida disobeyed her parents and put herself and her own desires first. I think it's really interesting that she sees Merida's defiance of traditional gender roles as a bad example for children. Though it is important to respect one's family, finding one's own sense of independence and happiness is the more significant message to take from Merida's disobedience.  

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