Friday, November 23, 2012

The "Pleasure Paradox"

..."we do our girls no favours by refusing to acknowledge the raw complexities of their own sexual desires."

I recently stumbled upon an article (hyperlinked below!) that revisits a course theme we haven't discussed in a while. While it only provides one solution to the "Pleasure Paradox," its proposal is certainly an interesting one; and, generally, it has some interesting/insightful comments on the "unspeakable" topic of masturbation/the idea that a girl can possess a "healthy libido." It is a refreshing piece on sexuality, regardless of its somewhat narrow focus. If nothing else, the comment section offers food for thought that is also relevant to our course material...and while we haven't recently addressed this topic, the article highlights the necessity of reframing girls' sexuality and eliminating the cultural stigmas that surround it: a topic that will be relevant until it no longer exists as a "topic."

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