Monday, October 1, 2012

Baby Teeth Does Not Equal Sexy

After watching Buying Into Sexy, I literally was disgusted by how far this whole idea of sexy as gotten out of hand. I watched this with friends and we remember being "tweens" but never like this. This video is talking about young girls ages 8-14 and how they no longer want to be kids but at the same time, not wanting the responsibility of a teen/adult. The girls that we're interviewed in the video said things such as, "I'm not a cute girl. I'm expensive" while she proudly shows her Ka Ching t-shirt, while another girl states, "I like these jeans; they're nice and tight." Personally, if people are trying to be "sexy" then they should be matured and knowledgeable about the things that surround them. Young girls that are trying to be like the GIRLS on TV have a rude awakening/misunderstanding because those girls that are referred to as "women" on TV are not even matured or knowledgeable themselves. Young girls are trying to be sexy when they still have their baby teeth. Young girls have this twisted idea of who to look at as a role model and when I was that age, my grandma and other educated women were mine but in the video, you can see that the parents even "blame" themselves because they know that their kids follow their example. At times, mothers wear promiscuous clothing that will obviously make their daughter want to wear but they don't want to "limit" their daughters like they were limited when they were their age. Young girls encounter sex/sexy on a daily basis by posters, clothing, make-up and heels because they want to be fit in. It's not so much by being noticed by the opposite sex but more of having "the look" that "popular" people have. What is this whole concept of being popular? I never understood it but of course, not everyone grows up with this want to be an individual until high school. The media enforces adult products, teen attitudes on younger kids when they have NO business in learning that yet. There are parents that allow their kids to dress and act in such ways and haven't even spoken  to them about the "birds and the bees" or how I like to call it, SEX. Young girls insist on following the trends because if they don't then they'll be loners. I get extremely annoyed when the media insists on believing that what they're doing is okay and provides "empowerment" for girls when in reality, they are destroying the innocent minds of what is suppose to be a sweet 8 year old girl that is in such a hurry to grow up. The media tries to fight the opinion of parents or concerned adults by saying, "It's okay to let young girls be sexy and what not..." Is it really? Why does sex/sexy have to be fun? I thought the whole concept of sex was the save it for someone or only limit it to a special someone or something... I don't like to ramble but the ages are changing and next thing you know an 9 year old gets pregnant but then again, the media has a saving by NOT having the say with how they kids interrupt marketing/advertising of things that they see on a DAILY BASIS. I guess no one really gets the message of how things are being interpreted by the obvious case of young girls wanting to be sexy when they haven't even reached an appropriate age. Is there an age? Should girls even allow themselves to be seen as that? All I know if that a young girl still has baby teeth than being sexy should be far from their  mind. 

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